does a sanitary pad really get destroyed in 800 years Know how much pollution it spreads facts

does a sanitary pad really get destroyed in 800 years Know how much pollution it spreads facts

After puberty, every girl and woman has to go through periods every month., This is a topic which is now being discussed openly., The market has successfully taken advantage of this problem of women which has been going on for years., There is no dearth of companies selling sanitary pads in the market., Some companies claim not to stain and some promise long life., In such a situation, do you know how big a danger these sanitary pads used by women during periods are?, Let us know today in this report,

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This much sanitary pad waste is generated every year in the country.

WaterAid India and Menstrual Hygiene Alliance of India (2018) according to, in india 33.6 There are crores of women who have to go through menstruation, If we talk about sanitary pad waste in our country, every year 1200 The waste generated is crores of sanitary pads which is approximately 1,13,000 tons is, This garbage has now become a big problem for the whole world., Not only sanitary pads but also children’s diapers are now emerging as a big problem.,

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800 A sanitary pad expires in years,

Renowned companies manufacturing sanitary pads are using plastic on a large scale., of Central Pollution Control Board 2018-19 According to the report, in sanitary pads 90% plastic is inserted, Because of this, every year in India 33 lakhs of tons of plastic waste is produced,

year in india 2021 A shocking report has come out regarding sanitary pads.,toxic links, According to the report of environmental group named, this year 1230 Crores of sanitary pads were thrown in the dustbin, It is noteworthy that one sanitary pad causes equal harm to the environment as four plastic bags., Whereas if these are buried in the soil, they work to destroy the micro-organisms present in the soil., Due to which greenery also has a bad effect, Talking about the life of a sanitary pad, most sanitary pads contain glue and super absorbent polymer. (SAP) are, to end these 500 from to 800 It may take up to a year,

Sanitary pads can cause cancer,

released in india ,menstrual waste 2022′ According to the report of, in sanitary napkins Phthalates Name chemical is used, This chemical can cause dangerous disease cancer, Apart from this infertility, Can also cause problems of PCOD and endometriosis, This can lead to paralysis as well as loss of memory.,

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